Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Nutella Truffles

Nutella Truffles Recipe
Makes 15 truffles | Prep Time: 20 Minutes | Cooking Time: 5 Minutes | Chilling Time: 30 Minutes

30 g (2 tbsp) caster/superfine sugar
15 whole hazelnuts
50 g (2 oz) plain Chocolate
150 g (½ cup) nutella®
2 tbsp single/light cream
30 g (1 oz) Hazelnuts, toasted and chopped
1. In a saucepan, dissolve the caster/superfine sugar with 2 tbsp water to make a caramel. When it is ready, add the hazelnuts and mix thoroughly. When the hazelnuts are well coated with caramel, place them on a sheet of baking parchment and leave to dry.
2. In a saucepan, melt the plain chocolate cut into pieces with the cream and NUTELLA®. Mix thoroughly until well combined then remove from the heat and leave to cool.
3. Use a teaspoon to scoop up a nut-sized piece of the chocolate mixture. Add a caramel-coated hazelnut and roll in the palm of your hand to form a small ball. Repeat until all the mixture has been used, then roll the balls in the toasted, chopped hazelnuts. Refrigerate for 30 minutes before serving.


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