Sunday, October 30, 2016

Homemade Dipping Sauce - Thai Style

Serves 10 | Prep Time: 15 Minutes | Cook Time: 0 Minutes 
Homemade dipping sause

West meets East. 
Grilled meat was marinated with a marinade of western style. 
Mr hubby asked where I could kat chili sauce recipe here? I smile je ... secret. He also repeatedly asked, it's known he's really like to eat spicy, she met with that interpretation. I do not want to tell coz I know what will be his reaction ... I prepared teased. I know where I will kat chilli sauce recipe thai this special? Hahaha wanna laugh before saying, because the place where I found this recipe is a very unlikely place ... inside novel ASST !!! Hahaha ... first time in the novel there are recipes. That makes ASST. There are various recipes in it ... make love for the Islamic recipes, recipes protect women, recipes cure disappointment, redoubling recipes, recipes to maintain harmony and various household recipes including recipes again! All you have to do is read with the eyes of your heart and be prepared to unveil the mistery! Hahaha I teased drop off Mr hubby read this entry. While the sauce is definitely an Asian concoctions. The chili sauce weeks I'm craving until saliva scrumptious but because I do not know what the dish is paired with we want to make dipping seafood seafood intake control center I wish first pendamkan ala thai chili sauce recipe is actually suitable for dipping anything either fried shrimp, squid also grill or fry flour, baked fish or grilled meat I few days crispy fried sea bass but suddenly helpless gonna do with that bass then I take the brief were dipped in the chili sauce ummphhh yummy too 

1 clove garlic 1 tablespoon sugar 5 bean chilli (if using chili root please reduce (* _ ^) 5 tablespoons fish sauce (if a bit salty fish sauce to taste please reduce masing2) lime (not my measure just 1 tablespoon juice only) 
Garlic mashed with sugar until creamed. Add pepper and blend again.Then mix with the fish sauce and lime juice. If love can sprinkle some crushed peanuts coarse or fine (follow like). 


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