Sunday, October 30, 2016

Friend Curry Prawns Mamak Style

This fried shrimps pair very well with fish curry or korma mutton...mix every thing in then you will get a perfect Mamak Nasi Kandar. It's's's delectable and it's Mamak Fried Shrimps.  This recipe  consists of curry powder, red chili powder, some rice flour, cornflour and salt. Marinate the shrimp for quite some time before frying it in a hot pan. Perfect with rice or you can use the recipe for your BBQ party...tasty and delicious.

Serves 4 | Prep Time: 60 Minutes | Cook Time: 30 Minutes

1 kg shrimps / 1 kg udang size sederhana atau besar 
2 tbsp curry powder / 2 sdb serbuk kari  
2 sdb chili powder / 2 sdb serbuk cili 
1 teaspoon garlic powder / 1 sdt serbuk bawang putih 
1teaspoon ginger powder / 1 sdt serbuk halia 
1 teaspoon salt / 1 sdt garam 6 tbsp rice flour / 6 sdb tepung beras
6 tbsp cornflour / 6 sdb tepung jagung 
1 egg slightly beaten / 1 biji telur dipukul 
3 strig curry leaves / 3 tangkai daun kari 
sufficient oil for deep frying / minyak secukupnya untuk menggoreng

Clean shrimps and pad dry. Add all ingredients and mix well. Leave for a minimum 30 minutes or longer / Bersihkan udang dan masukkan semua bahan. Gaul rata dan perapkan minima 1/2 jam atau lebih. Heat up oil and deep fry the shrimps till done or golden / Panaskan minyak dan goreng udang sehingga kekuningan. Remove and drain excess oil / Angkat dan toskan minyak.


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