Monday, October 31, 2016

Homemade Naan

Makes 8 | Prep Time: 20 Mins | Cook Time: 15 Mins

1 teaspoon sugar
1/2 cup warm water
1/4 oz active dry yeast
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup plain yogurt
1 tablespoon oil
Some oil, for greasing the skillet
3 tablespoons melted salted butter
In a small bowl, add the sugar, warm water, and yeast together. Stir to combine well. The yeast should be activated when it becomes foamy, about 10 minutes. Transfer the flour to a flat surface and make a well in the middle. Add the yeast mixture, yoghurt, and oil, knead the dough until the surface becomes smooth and shiny, about 10 minutes. Cover the dough with a damp cloth and let it rise in a warm place (for example: beside the stovetop or warm oven). The dough should double in size, about 1 hour.
Divide the dough into 8 equal portions. Roll the dough to a 8” circle using a rolling spin.
Heat up a skillet (cast-iron preferred) over high heat and lightly grease the surface with some oil to avoid the dough from sticking to the skillet. Place the dough on the skillet. When it puffs up and bubbles and burnt spots appear, flip it over and cook the other side. Repeat the same until all dough are done.
Brush the naan with the melted butter, serve warm.

Shrimp and Cheese Spring Rolls

Makes 50 spring rolls | Prep Time: 30 minutes | Cook Time: 15 minutes

50 medium sized shrimp, shelled and deveined but leave the tail on
50 spring roll skin (small piece)
4 oz (100g) cheddar cheese, cut into very tiny cubes
2 scallions, finely chopped
1 egg white, lightly whisked for sealing
1 1/2 teaspoons fresh ginger Juice
1 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons sugar
2 teaspoons corn starch
2 teaspoons sesame oil
1 1/2 teaspoons lime juice
1/2 teaspoon white pepper
Pat dry the shrimp with paper towels and marinate with the Marinade ingredients. Add in the scallions and. Marinate for 15 minutes.
Add in some cheddar cheese before wrapping each shrimp with spring roll skin. Please refer to the wrapping guide pictures below to wrap the spring rolls. Use the egg white to seal the edges.

Pandan Leaves Chicken

Serves 3 | Prep Time: 30 Mins | Marinate Time: 1 hour | Cook Time: 20 Mins
Pandan leaves
2 pieces skinless and boneless chicken breast (cut into 2 in. x 1 in. cubes)
1/8 teaspoon sesame seeds
1 teaspoon soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon oyster sauce
1/8 teaspoon sesame oil
3 dashes white pepper powder
1/4 teaspoon sugar
1/8 teaspoon fish sauce
3 inches fresh ginger (grated and squeezed for juice)
1)Mix the chicken pieces with all the seasonings above.
2)Add the ginger juice and marinate for 1 hour.
3)Put a piece of the chicken towards the end of the pandan leave and roll it up tightly.
4)Hold tight with a tooth pick.
5)Deep fry until the golden brown.
6)Dish out and serve hot.

Sweet Thai Chicken Wings

Sweet Thai Chicken Wings
Serves 4 | Prep Time: 10 Mins | Marinate Time: 2 hours | Cook Time: 20 Mins

2 lbs chicken wings
5 cloves garlic, minced
2 tablespoons cilantro stems, without leaves
5 tablespoons fish sauce
4 tablespoons Thai sweet chili sauce
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
Lime wedges
Rub the chicken wings with the garlic and cilantro, then add the fish sauce, sweet chili sauce and ground black pepper. Marinate for two to four hours, or best overnight.
Fire up an outdoor grill and grill the chicken wings in batches. Grill until both sides turn golden brown. Serve immediately with some lime wedges and Thai sweet chili sauce.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Stuffed Crabs

Serves 3 | Prep Time: 30 Minutes | Cook Time: 5 Minutes  

Stuffed Crab (Poo Cha) Recipe

6-8 blue crab shells
8 oz ground chicken
4 oz crab meat
2 oz peeled shrimp, minced
1 egg
3 shallots, minced
6 coriander leaves, finely chopped
1 tablespoon fish sauce
3 heavy dashes ground black pepper
2 eggs, slightly beaten
In a bowl, mix all the ingredients in the Filling and blend well. The texture of the Filling should be sticky.
Stuff the Filling into the empty crab shells using a spoon. Smooth out the surface with the back of the spoon. Steam the stuffed crab for 5 minutes. Discard the water that seeps out.
Cool the stuffed crab to room temperature after steaming. Heat up a wok with some oil. When the oil is heated, dip each crab shell into the beaten eggs. Make sure the filling is well coated with the beaten eggs. Transfer the stuffed crabs into the wok and fry them. As soon as the surface turns light to golden brown, dish out and serve immediately.
Cook’s Notes:
For the best result, please use freshly picked crab meat. You can use any crab of your choice. However, frozen crab meat will work just fine.
If you don’t have empty crab shells, you can still make the dish. Just divide the Filling into 6-8 portions. Flatten the Filling into a patty instead of stuffing inside the crab shell. (Next time when you eat blue crab, you can save the shell for this recipe.
love serving this stuffed crab with my favorite chili sauce, Thai Dipping Sauce.  

Thai's Green Mango Salad

Serves 3 | Prep Time: 20 Minutes | Cook Time: 0 Minutes  

Inspired by the popular Thai salad, this green mango salad recipe will wake up your senses.Tangy and full of texture, this cashew-studded salad travels well for pot lucks and makes a great starter or side to just about anything.

  • 1/3 cup chopped cashew
  • 1/3 cup chopped peanut
  • mangoes 2 lb/1 kg total
  • 1/3 cup chopped fresh coriander
  • 1/3 cup chopped mint
  • 2 tablespoons lime juice
  • 4 teaspoons granulated sugar
  • 4 teaspoons fish sauce
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1/4 teaspoon Asian chili sauce
  • 1/4 teaspoon hot pepper sauce
  • sweet red pepper thinly sliced
  • 1 cup thinly sliced red onion

In skillet or toaster oven, toast cashews over medium heat until fragrant and golden, about 8 minutes; set aside.
Cut pointy ends off mangoes. Set each mango on cut end. Using serrated knife, cut off peel. Cut flesh on either side of flat pit into thin slices; stack and cut into thin strips.
In bowl, whisk together coriander, mint, lime juice, sugar, fish sauce, oil and chili sauce. Add mangoes, red pepper and onion; toss to coat. (Make-ahead: Cover and refrigerate for up to 2 days.) Sprinkle with cashews.

Homemade Dipping Sauce - Thai Style

Serves 10 | Prep Time: 15 Minutes | Cook Time: 0 Minutes 
Homemade dipping sause

West meets East. 
Grilled meat was marinated with a marinade of western style. 
Mr hubby asked where I could kat chili sauce recipe here? I smile je ... secret. He also repeatedly asked, it's known he's really like to eat spicy, she met with that interpretation. I do not want to tell coz I know what will be his reaction ... I prepared teased. I know where I will kat chilli sauce recipe thai this special? Hahaha wanna laugh before saying, because the place where I found this recipe is a very unlikely place ... inside novel ASST !!! Hahaha ... first time in the novel there are recipes. That makes ASST. There are various recipes in it ... make love for the Islamic recipes, recipes protect women, recipes cure disappointment, redoubling recipes, recipes to maintain harmony and various household recipes including recipes again! All you have to do is read with the eyes of your heart and be prepared to unveil the mistery! Hahaha I teased drop off Mr hubby read this entry. While the sauce is definitely an Asian concoctions. The chili sauce weeks I'm craving until saliva scrumptious but because I do not know what the dish is paired with we want to make dipping seafood seafood intake control center I wish first pendamkan ala thai chili sauce recipe is actually suitable for dipping anything either fried shrimp, squid also grill or fry flour, baked fish or grilled meat I few days crispy fried sea bass but suddenly helpless gonna do with that bass then I take the brief were dipped in the chili sauce ummphhh yummy too 

1 clove garlic 1 tablespoon sugar 5 bean chilli (if using chili root please reduce (* _ ^) 5 tablespoons fish sauce (if a bit salty fish sauce to taste please reduce masing2) lime (not my measure just 1 tablespoon juice only) 
Garlic mashed with sugar until creamed. Add pepper and blend again.Then mix with the fish sauce and lime juice. If love can sprinkle some crushed peanuts coarse or fine (follow like). 

Friend Curry Prawns Mamak Style

This fried shrimps pair very well with fish curry or korma mutton...mix every thing in then you will get a perfect Mamak Nasi Kandar. It's's's delectable and it's Mamak Fried Shrimps.  This recipe  consists of curry powder, red chili powder, some rice flour, cornflour and salt. Marinate the shrimp for quite some time before frying it in a hot pan. Perfect with rice or you can use the recipe for your BBQ party...tasty and delicious.

Serves 4 | Prep Time: 60 Minutes | Cook Time: 30 Minutes

1 kg shrimps / 1 kg udang size sederhana atau besar 
2 tbsp curry powder / 2 sdb serbuk kari  
2 sdb chili powder / 2 sdb serbuk cili 
1 teaspoon garlic powder / 1 sdt serbuk bawang putih 
1teaspoon ginger powder / 1 sdt serbuk halia 
1 teaspoon salt / 1 sdt garam 6 tbsp rice flour / 6 sdb tepung beras
6 tbsp cornflour / 6 sdb tepung jagung 
1 egg slightly beaten / 1 biji telur dipukul 
3 strig curry leaves / 3 tangkai daun kari 
sufficient oil for deep frying / minyak secukupnya untuk menggoreng

Clean shrimps and pad dry. Add all ingredients and mix well. Leave for a minimum 30 minutes or longer / Bersihkan udang dan masukkan semua bahan. Gaul rata dan perapkan minima 1/2 jam atau lebih. Heat up oil and deep fry the shrimps till done or golden / Panaskan minyak dan goreng udang sehingga kekuningan. Remove and drain excess oil / Angkat dan toskan minyak.

Honey Roasted Chicken Malaysian Style

Serves 4 | Prep Time: 60 Minutes | Cook Time: 30 Minutes

As my family of 5 girls is quite big... We used to make our own meal compared to dine outside. Gurthermore, the kids especially my 9 year old twins love helping me cook. Grilling some chicken would be a great idea. Making something sweet because they love the sweetness while having it warm. A very simple and straight forward meal. I prefer grilled chicken as they containt less oil compared to fry them directly. It will take a few minuted to set the fire up.

  • 4 chicken thighs
  • 5 cloves garlic minced
  • 1 inci ginger  minced
  • 4 spoons honey
  • 3 sudu oyster sause
  • 2 spoon soy sause 
  • Pepper
  • Salt
Mix the garlic, ginger, honey, oyster sause, soy sause, pepper and salt. 
Then marinate the chicken using the ingredients mixed. Leave it for at least two hours of marinating, or leave it overnight inside the fridge. 
Grill it using charcoal or oven at 200 deg C for 15-20 minutes for each side. 

Ready to serve!!! Please make sure the distance between rhe chicken and the fire is not to near. Or else you will burm your meal. 

So easy to prepare it. Suggesting to eat them with rice cooked with chicken stocks. Complement it with Thai Chilly sause. 

Do enjoy your attempt. Cook it with love. And dont forget to smile. 

Chicken Satay

Serves 5 | Prep Time: 60-120 Minutes | Cook Time: 15

Chicken satay – grilled chicken skewers marinated with spices and served with peanut sauce. Easiest and BEST chicken satay recipe ever!
Satay... Whether it is chicken, meat, lamb... Really enjoy it . Easy to find all over Malaysia... Mostly sold later in the evening. Some of the stall owner rented a small corner of a reataurant or alao have tent-restaurant. 

Satay or sate in Indonesian and Malay spelling, is a dish of seasoned, skewered and grilled meat, served with a sauce. Satay may consist of diced or sliced chickengoatmuttonbeeffish, other meats, or tofu; the more authentic version uses skewers from the midrib of the coconut palm frond, although bamboo skewers are often used. These are grilled or barbecued over a wood or charcoal fire, then served with various spicy seasonings.
Satay originated in Java, Indonesia. It is available almost anywhere in Indonesia, where it has become a national dish. It is also popular in many other Southeast Asian countries, including Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Thailand, the Philippines, East Timor as well as in Suriname and the Netherlands, as Indonesia and Suriname are former Dutch colonies.
Satay is a very popular delicacy in Indonesia; the country's diverse ethnic groups' culinary arts (see Indonesian cuisine) have produced a wide variety of satays. In Indonesia, satay can be obtained from a travelling satay vendor, from a street-side tent-restaurant, in an upper-class restaurant, or during traditional celebration feasts. In Malaysia, satay is a popular dish—especially during celebrations—and can be found throughout the country. In Southern Philippinesit is known as satti.

There are many variations of chicken satay recipes from Asia, but let me tell you that the best satay comes from Malaysia, my home country. Ask any foodies and chefs who have been to the entire Southeast Asia region and they will agree with me. While Thai chicken sate is delicious, they can’t be compared to the deep and rich flavors of Malaysian chicken satay.

600 gram chicken breast (Cube about 1 cm thick)
1 cup sugar
2 sticks lemongrass

2 spoons ground nuts
1 spoon salt
1 spoon tumeric powder 

Cut the chicken about 1 cm cube size.

Mix and grind 1 cup sugar, 2 sticks lemongrass, 2 spoons ground nuts, 1 spoon salt and 1 spoon turmeric powder all together. Marinate it for at least 1 to 2 hours. I would prefer leave it inside the fridge overnight to make sure all the ingredients blended well inside the chicken cube.

Grill them with charcoal or you can just put them inside the oven. Grill both sides. 

There are a few versions of satay that I know... I keep you guys updated with the other versions. 

Satay usually being served with grounded peanut gravy. 

Grounded Peanut Gravy for Satay
600 gm grounded peanuts
5 unions
½ cup dried chilly powder
1 cup palm sugar

1 cup palm oil 

Fried the ground peanuts, and blended thoroughly, add some water.
Fry the unions with palm/cooking oil, dried chilly powder until it cooked. Then add palm sugar and some salt.

One Pot Seafood Pasta

Serves 3 | Prep Time: 15 Minutes | Cook Time: 15 Minutes

10 oz spaghetti
2 tablespoons olive oil
3 cloves garlic, minced
4 oz shelled and deveined shrimp
8 oz clams
4 oz scallops
1 can (28 oz) whole peeled tomatoes
1 tablespoon chopped Italian basil leaves
Salt to taste
1 teaspoon sugar/brown sugar
Chopped Italian parsley, for garnishing
Cook the spaghetti according to the package instructions. Drained and set aside. Blend the entire can of the whole peeled tomatoes and sauce in a blender or food processor. Set aside.
Heat up a skillet on medium heat. Add the olive oil, then add the garlic. Saute the garlic before adding the shrimp, Manila clams and scallop. Stir to combine well with the garlic, then add the tomato sauce, basil leaves. Cook the seafood until they are almost done, add salt (to taste) and sugar. Transfer the spaghetti into the skillet, stir to mix well with the sauce. Top with the chopped parsley, serve immediately.